Case Study - The Albufeira Concierge

See how we helped a service company increase the conversion of its media through graphic design

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The Albufeira Concierge is a local accommodation management company in the Algarve with more than 120 properties in its portfolio.

The work done for The Abufeira Concierge focused essentially on the preparation of designs for social networks, creation of guides, promotion materials and a design project for a website capable of attracting new hosts in an extremely competitive market, which is the management of local accommodation, especially in the Algarve region where there are already large companies with greater financial capacity and infrastructures that make it possible to attract new customers more easily.

Increase lead capture through Web Design

Effective design plays a key role in capturing new leads and optimizing conversion rates. It helps form the initial impression of visitors, influencing their digital experience with the company. A well-structured website promotes positive interactions, encouraging user engagement and conversions. On the other hand, a poorly structured website can dissuade users and prevent their conversion from lead to end customer.

A simplified design makes it easier to navigate and complete certain actions that we want users to take (e.g., clicking a button, filling out a form, etc...), increasing their satisfaction and potential conversion opportunities.

Visual elements play a crucial role in optimizing the conversion rate. They can influence how visitors perceive your website, their level of interaction and, ultimately, their likelihood of converting.

For example, color can have a significant impact on conversion. The right color scheme can create a positive emotional response in visitors, increasing their engagement and chances of conversion. On the other hand, a color palette outside the brand's style can have a negative impact, discouraging the actions we want visitors to take.

The design for the website of Albufeira Concierge was essentially based on the implementation of a form in the first section of the main page, with the title and subtitle on the left side that help to clearly and succinctly convey the company's value proposition. The design for the form allows the user to select the characteristics of their property in order to receive an estimated income.

A social proof component has also been developed that redirects to the customer testimonials section, all transmitted in the layout of the first section of the main page, in order to present the most important information for the visitor to understand the company and the steps they must take if they wish to become a host without having to scroll through the remaining pages.

Taking into account the factors mentioned regarding visual elements, colors and typography, only with the implementation of this new structure and arrangement of elements, we increased the capture of leads from the company's website to 10 contacts from new qualified hosts per month.

Improve presence on social networks

As social media users demand more interactive content and real-time experiences, publications with more attractive designs play a more important role on the various social media platforms. As always, ads compete for attention, so only the best and most visually appealing ads will capture the attention of users.

Especially in the tourism market, captivating visuals are essential to capture the attention of users. Incorporating an attractive design in publications can generate more interaction, encourage sharing, and attract a larger audience to the company's offerings.

New designs were implemented for various types of publications, such as testimonials, guides and tips, all according to the company's brand identity and marketing strategy. This allows us to transmit the advantages, advantages, and knowledge of strategies that make hosts' properties more memorable for guests in a visually appealing and succinct way, facts that become advantageous in publications for social media platforms.

Documents, Guides and Flyers

Graphic design allows you to communicate large amounts of information or complex data effectively and concisely. Through infographics, brochures, flyers, and other visually appealing communication materials, it is possible to convey complex concepts, data, and messages in a visually engaging manner.

The creation of a professionally designed flyer for an event or general information flyer can significantly impact the way in which the company's value proposition is received by its target audience, in more detail for a general flyer or pamphlet:

Clarity and legibility

Graphic designers understand the typography and structure, ensuring that the content of the flyer is presented in a way that is easy to read and understand.

Visual appeal

A visually appealing pamphlet is more likely to be noticed and read. Designers use color theory, images, and structure to create a flyer that attracts the target audience.


The consistency of the company's identity in various marketing materials, including brochures, reinforces the image and professionalism of your brand.


The flyer can be designed to adapt to your specific message and your target audience, making it more effective in achieving your purpose.

In conclusion, we guarantee that the visual elements of the content and communication of The Albufeira Concierge on the various platforms are visually appealing, engaging and effectively conveying their value proposition.